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SEMUS – Development of an expert system for the management of the traffic in order to provide support to the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


The project aims at managing Mobility requests, the use of private vehicles and the traffic network capacity, defining “dynamic” action plans within the centralized traffic management systems.

Feux de circulation pour des vélos

SEMUS is an expert system for the management of the traffic aimed at providing support to the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. This system will create intelligent tools which will allow to coordinate mobility management concerning private vehicles and the vial capacity, limiting the access to different city areas. This way, the concept “Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans” will become “Dynamic Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans”


SEMUS will allow the centralized systems to generate:

  • Virtual corridors, generating a green light wave for pedestrians, so they can walk in a quicker and safer way.
  • Temporary bike lanes, generating a green light wave for cyclist so they can ride in a safer and quicker way. This green light wave will include gating strategies blocking the access of vehicles to bike lanes.
  • Simulation models which analyze the effect of the vehicles on the air pollution. Thus, temporary strategies could be established in order to block the access of heavy vehicles and touring cars in different city areas.


The project, named “SEMUS.- DESARROLLO DE UN SISTEMA EXPERTO DE CONTROL Y GESTIÓN DEL TRÁNSITO VEHICULAR SOPORTE A LOS PMUS (PLANES DE MOVILIDAD URBANA SOSTENIBLE)”, numbered as  IDI-20151161, is co-financed by the CDTI (supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness) under the Programa Operativo de Crecimiento Inteligente – FEDER.


Duration: 2015-2017