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PLASMA- Advanced Platform for Mobility Services

Convocatoria Retos – Colaboración

The overall aim of the PLASMA Project is to create a smart platform which provides an access to road and traffic data, processes them and publishes these information to third parties.


Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad in the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016.



Summary and Objectives
PLASMA project is based on the creation of a smart platform for the integration of heterogeneous information as inductive detectors, license-plate recognition systems (LPR), users’ smartphones, etc. and the generation of advanced mobility services following the Open Data Philosophy.

PLASMA is considered as a new and original tool of information supply, addressed to Mobility Authorities, Utilities & End Users, in order to occupy prominent positions over competitors.

The main objectives included within PLASMA are:

  1. Ubiquitous access to different sources of heterogeneous information (magnetic loops, license plate readers, anonymous Bluetooth, etc.). This information can be consulted through the platform itself.
  2. All relevant information will be available following the Open data philosophy. This tendency toward data sharing, guarantees an efficient and effective interoperability between information generation and its use. Information is provided in a unified format that is compatible with the most used technologies in web and smartphone application development.
  3. Creation of mobility services on the platform, personalized according to the specific profile of each user.
    1. Single User: Eco-efficient navigation application for drivers, which suggests the best route for a particular journey. It take into account traffic jams and other incidents such as accidents or road obstacles.
    2. Professional User: The application gives real time traffic situation between two specific points (Origin-Destination Matrix). It is shown in a traffic distribution map, which includes information from several sources.

In regards to contextualize this PLASMA service, the implementation of a pilot case in Madrid City is contemplated.From these innovations, PLASMA project plans to create a final product that considerably increases mobility in the city.

The consortium leader by SICE (project coordinator), is also formed by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)