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August 30, 2017, Tacna, Peru |

SICE will build in Tacna (Peru) a new monumental building with institutional nature

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The Republic’s General Comptroller (RGC), through the Project Management Unit belonging to the Central Management and Development Support and Public Management, has commissioned SICE to build a new building aiming at improving population’s access to the user services. This project is part of the standardization policies for RGC’s institutional buildings, in both materialization and institutional image.

The project provides for the building of two blocks, one for users’ access and another aimed at locate an auditorium and offices in an open plan, so that different traffic flow are created depending on the access level. Both blocks will be located in the central area of ​​the land available for construction, so that the use of space is maximum, without generating excess space. In this way, it ensures that the new architectural set always looks clean in its forms and does not mimic or go unnoticed between the buildings that make up the current or future environment.

One of the main requirements for the building design project is to facilitate the creation of natural light and ventilation points on all sides of the building, optimizing the use of natural resources and aligning with the government's eco-efficiency policies.

As for the architectural style, to develop open and semi-open spaces, taking advantage of circulations on roofs in order to provide appealing routes that in turn create spaces projecting the current built volume, creating a broader vision of “constructed mass”. The goal is to get a resulting architecture outstanding regarding size and space, drawing attention to the lighted spaces and with natural ventilation offering coziness to users. All this without forgetting the gardens’ design, ensuring quality accesses meant for disabled people.

With an architectural design based on the sincerity of the materials (exposed faces) cleanness in space and sobriety. The resulting building will have institutional character and formidable proportions, and will undoubtedly become a reference image for Tacna.
