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October 23, 2017, Aragon, Asturias and Basque Country, Spain |

SICE will carry out the comprehensive maintenance of the headquarters belonging to the Corporación de Radio Televisión Española (CRTVE)

Sede Vitoria

The Corporación de Radio Televisión Española (CRTVE) has relied on SICE to carry out the comprehensive maintenance services at its headquarters in Aragon, Asturias and the Basque Country over the next two years. The benefits provided by this service are based on two essential objectives: the habitable conditions’ maintenance and the guaranteed production and television and digital media broadcasting. In other words, the aim is to always maintain the buildings, facilities and equipment included in the contract in perfect operating condition by carrying out several operations, tasks and periodic services.

The Corporación de Radio Televisión Española (CRTVE) has a several branches in the country to provide public radio and television service covering nation, regional and province-wide. In all these headquarters there are buildings of different types and antiquity hosting the infrastructures and offices, radio and television studios, technical rooms and facilities, warehouses, workshops, landscaped areas, inter alia.

Specifically, CRTVE has eleven branches in the Community of Aragon, with more than 8,800 m2 as for buildings and 44,500 m2 concerning land, while in Asturias has twelve branches, with almost 7,500 m2 of buildings and more than 116,000 m2 of land. Finally, the corporation has eight branches in the Basque Country, with more than 7,100 m2 of buildings and more than 99,000 m2 of land.