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March 06, 2018, Florida, Estados Unidos |

SICE strengthens its activity in Florida thanks to 11 new projects statewide


SICE USA closed its 2017 financial year with the awarding of new statewide strategic ITS, lighting, signalization, signing and parking projects. Among the latter, 4 will be performed in North Florida, 3 in Central Florida, 2 in South-East Florida and 2 in West Florida. All these projects ensure the company’s consolidation within the American market, covering the whole state.

Altogether, the company is expected to deploy 292 vehicle detection systems, 90 Bluetooth systems, 262 surveillance cameras, 104 variable messaging panels, 130 traffic controllers, 390 lighting poles, 122 static signals and more than 1,200 sensors for parking spaces.

Among the projects, the following stand out for its local importance:

  • ITS project along 278 kilometers on the I-10 Interstate from Tallahassee to Jacksonville.
  • ITS, lighting, signalization and signing along the 8km making up the phase 3B-1 of the I-95 interstate widening and building express lanes project. This phase follows phase 3A-2 awarded in 2016
  • ITS systems for monitoring and managing the availability of parking lots for trucks in rest areas, in Tampa and Orlando.
  • Traffic signal project for 130 intersections in the city of Fort Myers.

Since its implementation, SICE has accomplished several projects in Orlando, Miami and Jacksonville, for instance: ITS systems and reversible lanes for the I-595 or the Port of Miami Tunnel control systems. In the 2017 fiscal year, the company has been able to finish ahead of schedule eight projects in the state of Florida.

The company has managed to create its own space in the American sector based on its professionalism and accuracy. Its nine offices in the USA and Canada, the project portfolio and the team commitment are SICE's main assets to ensure continuity in such challenging market, proving steadiness and building trust.