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June 18, 2021, Linares, Jaén |

Linares awards SICE the renewal of all the city's lighting fixtures

Cambio luminarias Linares

Last May, the City Council of Linares awarded SICE the contract for the supply and installation of LED technology luminaires in the outdoor lighting installations of the municipality, with the ultimate goal of reducing the energy expenditure of the municipality and with this, the pollutant emissions, increase the lighting capacity of the lighting points and facilitate the operation and maintenance of the system and consumption control.

The work to be carried out by SICE covers all the lighting installations connected to the Outdoor Lighting Network located within the municipality of the City Council, including the Estación Linares-Baeza district and the Puerta de Castro and Llanos del Arenal housing developments, as well as each and every one of its components.

The promotion of this action has been possible thanks to the obtaining of European funds, which will finance 80% of the action to be executed in all the luminaires of the city. Thanks to this grant, the municipality's outdoor public lighting will be completely renewed, acting on the more than 9,000 existing streetlights, replacing the current luminaires with more efficient LED-type ones. In addition, 146 state-of-the-art control centers will be replaced, prepared to withstand adverse conditions and guarantee service stability. As for those that are already LED, they will be revised to adapt them to the latest technology. It should be noted that, in addition to the replacement of the existing ones, SICE's proposal includes the installation of new lighting in 30 points of the town that, until now, lacked it.

This replacement, which will start in the neighborhoods and will continue towards the center of the municipality, is in addition to the maintenance, cleaning and surveillance services contract for the Cantarranas Park that SICE is already carrying out with the City Council.