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AdaS-UTMC - Adaptive & Slot-based UTMC System for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs)


The AdaS-UTMC project aims at enabling cities to manage traffic, incorporating automation in driving as a key element.

Humber Bridge Toll

With the AdaS-UTMC project, the aim is to enable the Centralized Urban Traffic Systems to manage traffic in future intelligent cities, taking into account the coexistence of autonomous vehicles and conventional vehicles.

Thus, new traffic management algorithms will be developed based on "grouped, organized and coordinated mobility demand" management created from the generation of "logical and organized vehicle bunching" established by the infrastructure based on the information sent from the CAVs (autonomous and connected vehicles).

Automation incorporation in driving is proposed as a key element to increase road safety, reduce congestion and achieve total mobility accessibility. However, to achieve this positive impact, the infrastructures controlling traffic must be "digitized" and adapted to meet society's expectations.


This R&D project is co-financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) (Exp. IDI-20170961).