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October 11, 2016, Madrid, Spain |

Madrid City Council has entrusted SICE again to carry out the management of telecommunication infrastructure at its almost 1,000 headquarters

Infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones

Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas (SICE), S.A. has been awarded with the management project for Madrid City Council’s telecommunication infrastructures. SICE’s main task within this projects consists of defining the technical requirements according to the appropriated needs and of providing specific solutions for every of the almost 1000 headquarters that Madrid City Council belongs.

The company which has been responsible of this contract during the last 10 years, labels the actuations in three main levels.

On the one hand, concerning the Radio-communications system, the management of the whole TETRA network (neat 4.500 terminals) is included, providing service to the Local Police, Firefighters, the SAMUR, Civil Protection, Social SAMUR and Mobility agents. TETRA network consists of 20 base stations interconnected by a transport network (protected and redundant) of point to point links in the radio band.

On the other hand, the Council telephone network, the contract covers the management of 15.000 IP telephone extensions divided, 1,700 regular lines and 5.500 mobiles lines for voice/internet. It also includes Apps distribution for more than 500 tablets and the migration to NGN of 400 switchboard lines BP from Ericsson.

Finally, the management of the IAM Data Network includes 70 ONO nodes for the municipal corporate network, 368 Metrolan network, 200 ADSL lines, 500 Access point WIFI and otherwise lines (Frame Relay, Point-to-point, X.25, WIFI, etc.).

In all these areas, SICE offers a huge range of services, covering from the design of the network for the working and operation of the platform, support for any internal requests (incidence control, breakdowns, etc.) technical feasibility studies of new projects, options and improvement approach, new technologies integration, backup plans, etc.