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FOTSIS - European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation

7th European Framework Programme

The objective of FOTSIS is to deploy large-scale cooperative services for vehicle–infrastructure communications in real operational environments, making sections available for testing and deployment on various motorways in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Greece.


The aim of FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) is to contribute towards establishing European rules and standards for future communications and technological platforms to be used as the basis for achieving interoperability between vehicles and infrastructure. 

During the initial stages of the project, technology will be implemented to support the deployment of the I2V–V2I cooperative services for large-scale field testing. 

Specifically, FOTsis will test the infrastructure’s capacity to provide the following cooperative services on different nine motorway sections (in Spain, Portugal, Germany and Greece): 

S1: Emergency management 
S2: Safety-related incident management 
S3: Smart congestion control 
S4: Dynamic route plan 
S5: Special-vehicle monitoring 
S6: Advanced enforcement support 
S7: Analysis of safety from the infrastructure 

FOTsis aims to make an active contribution towards facing today’s challenges in the areas of safety, mobility and sustainability of road-transport systems in Europe, base don the common European framework proposal for open ITS architectures ITS (supported by the COMeSafety project), with the capacity to incorporate current and future ITS services and systems. 

This project marks a great step forward in improving communications between vehicles, infrastructure and traffic-control centres, where the main focus in this case has been put on the responsibilities of road operators.


  • Seventh EU Framework Programme (2007–2013) – ICT.
  • Duration: 2011–2014


SICE participates in FOTsis as a provider and technology leader for S1 and S2 services as part of the international consortium that brings together the expertise required by all the actors involved in conceiving, building, operating and supervising road infrastructures. In all, eight European countries are represented, through the 23 European partners involved in the FOTsis project. 

The consortium, which is led by Iridium, includes five motorway concessionaires (Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Planestrada, Marestrada and Nea Odos), seven technology providers (SICE, INDRA, GMVIS Skysoft, Terna Energy, Transver, ACB Systems and GMV Sistemas), and two telecoms operators (France Telecom and Optimus). 

The necessary input from research centres (five of the 23 partners) via UPM, IL, AALTO, CERTH, CI3, the involvement of mapping specialists (Geoville), and three associations (ERF, ASECAP and FIA) complete this heterogeneous, well-balanced group of partners.

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