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October 13, 2020, Madrid, Spain |

SICE Australia/New Zealand obtains AENOR certification in Anti-bribery Management Systems in compliance with ISO 37001

Entrega del certificado AENOR

The certification strengthens SICE ANZ’s commitment to fostering a culture of transparency and compliance for all its activities and business areas within the organisation and improving its client’s confidence in its products and services.

Last July, SICE obtained AENOR’s Anti-Bribery Management Systems certification, for its Australian and New Zealand delegations. Through this certification, AENOR verifies SICE ANZ in the implementation of the highest standards to meet all the requirements of the reference standard ISO 37001:2016. The compliance with this international standard guarantees the correct performance of an effective management system to reduce and prevent the risk of committing crimes and bribery in all its activities.

This achievement is certainly a great step forward that reaffirms the company’s commitment to promoting a culture of transparency, ethics and compliance throughout the organisation. The certification also recognises SICE’s best practices in fighting against and preventing any form of corruption that guarantees the interests of all stakeholders. By applying zero-tolerance criteria, the company expressly rejects any violation of its code of conduct, as well as the organisation’s policies and the current legalisation, by its members and third parties.

The certificates were collected on September 24th in Madrid by the Head of Internal Audit and Compliance at SICE from Gonzalo Piédrola, Director of AENOR for the Central and European Region, at SICE’s headquarters. The achievement of these certificates represents a significant accomplishment for the Compliance and Quality teams of the delegations after months of work which concluded with excellent results and feedback from AENOR throughout the audit process.