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Working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) means committing to reliability and constant innovation. In 2020, AWS was named leader of the Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service for the ninth consecutive year. This global report is developed by Gartner Consulting, which states that Amazon Web Services has the highest execution capacities in the market.

The union between SICE and AWS is the result of the natural development of two leading companies in the market that focus on generating positive synergies to benefit their clients and, in short, to benefit citizens. Both companies complete each other to optimize technological solutions focused on infrastructures around the world.

On the one hand, SICE offers an exceptional trajectory and knowledge of sectors such as traffic, transport, environment, smart cities, telecommunications infrastructures, etc.  Its extensive experience on a broad diversity of projects for the public and the private sector, is a guarantee of quality and success. Since setting the lamppost or the first traffic light in Madrid or Barcelona, over the 100 years of operation, the company has worked closely with top-notch Spanish customers such as the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT), RENFE, ADIF, AENA, Metro de Madrid, Port Authorities,, Hydrographic Confederations, and, of course, scores of cities, regional authorities, local governments and administrations. On an international level, SICE has developed large benchmark projects in cities such as Miami, Seattle, Toronto, Montreal, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Santiago de Chile, Lima, Mexico City, Ryhad, Dubai, etc.

On the other hand, AWS provides the latest technology in terms of systems security, availability, performance, scalability and flexibility. Amazon Web Services offers a low-cost highly-reliable scalable cloud platform infrastructure. Its main advantages include:

  • Instant agility and elasticity: Providing a global and massive cloud infrastructure that allows for innovation, experimentation and quick iteration.
  • Accessibility and flexibility: This platform is independent of languages and OS. Just set the development platform or the programming model and choose what services to use. This flexibility enables focusing on innovation instead of infrastructure.
  • Security: it is a safe and durable platform with renowned certifications and audits in the sector. Cloud security is considered even better than a physical installation.
  • Hybrid capacities: The deep characteristics, dedicated connectivity, federated identity, and integrated tools allow for the execution of “hybrid” applications on cloud services and facilities.

The AWS cloud computing platform offers flexibility to launch all sort of applications, such as:

  • Web applications: scalable high-performance web site with an extensive range of services focusing on modern web applications.
  • Big data and HPC: Processing data quickly and accessing a large amount of computer resources instantly, designed to manage large volumes of data.
  • Storage and Backup: Storing information safely with cyphered storage options.
  • Data recovery: Data protection and applications in several data centers and on the cloud, offering the possibility of recovering them in a scalable, durable and immediate way.
  • Multimedia contents: Multimedia services that allow the storage, processing, and delivery of multimedia resources safely, anywhere in the world.
  • Health and live sciences: Health and live sciences organizations use AWS for basic biomedical research and for clinical information systems that comply with the HIPAA standards.