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IHIESS - Intelligent, Hibrid and Integrated Energy Storage System

CDTI Research and Development Project – PID2019

Development of an Intelligent, Hybrid and Integrated Energy Storage System (IHIESS)


The iHIESS project proposes an innovative solution—the development of an integral, automatic, hybrid, intelligent, and connected system, to reduce the installation and operating costs of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Power Systems.

The purpose of the project is to integrate two different energy storage systems, coordinated by a single device to achieve the integration of photovoltaic production. To this end, a system called "Energy Hub" is proposed, to be directly connected to existing installations (or retrofit) and that complements or replaces the energy systems that are currently in use.

As a result, photovoltaic energy installations are simplified by integrating the components of the electrical panels. Infrastructure operational cost is reduced by integrating two complementary storage technologies (battery hybridization) in coordination with instantaneous production capabilities. Moreover, this solution increases security and resilience in low sunshine days and also improves infrastructure maintenance through an intelligent control of the energy flows at each hub port, cloud connection of its variables, and the intelligent diagnosis either, future or present, of deficits situations or failures.

Duration: 2019-2020

This PID project is co-financed by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial or CDTI). (Exp IDI-20190433).