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Maintenance and operation of the traffic management in the Pirineos - Valle del Ebro area and ITS Control Centre in Zaragoza

Centro de Gestión de Tráfico de Pirineos – Valle del Ebro (Zaragoza)

On January 2012, SICE was awarded the contract for the service of maintenance and operation of traffic-regulation and control facilities on roads depending on the Pirineos – Valle del Ebro Traffic Management centre (CGT).

The contract, for two years, covers maintenance, operations and refurbishment works for the facilities on roads managed by the Pirineos – Valle del Ebro (CGT): A-2, A-12, A-121, A-123, A-127, A-13, A-132, A-136, A-138, A-220, A-23, A-68, AP-15, AP-68, AP-7, ARA A-1, LO-20, LR-134, N-111, N-113, N-120, N-121, N121c, N-122, N-123, N-125, N-126, N-145, N-211, N-230, N-232, N-234, N-240, N-260, N-330, N-420, N-II, N-IIa and Z-40, totalling 2,685 km of road.

The operations under the contract include the systematic maintenance of the video-camera systems installed, variable-message panels, remote stations, data-collection stations, weather stations, communications systems, speed sensors, SOS posts, civil works, structures and power supply.

The contract also covers the operation and maintenance of the equipment and systems installed at the CGT.

A task of particular importance was SICE’s design and execution of the relocation of the current management facilities of the Provincial Traffic Department to the new Pirineos – Valle del CGT. A new control room is being built at this centre, over 350 square metres in size. These facilities will be dedicated to manage, 24 hours a day every day of the year, the impact of the road network in Aragon, La Rioja and Navarra, but its advanced technology allows to monitor all the great capacity roads of the Country if necessary, something that until now could only be done from Madrid’s Traffic Management Centre.